Recommended Visits Schedule
We are often asked ... how many visits are necessary? Although you may feel great after your first visit, having Halotherapy more than one-time will help maximize your benefit. Like most healthy activities, such as eating well and exercise, a routine visit schedule is advised.
The following condition schedule is based upon recommendations from Eastern European published clinical reports. Number of visits is based upon an 8-week time-frame unless otherwise indicated:
Asthma – intermittent, mild
12-14 visits
Asthma – moderate, severe
18 -21 visits
Acute bronchitis
12-14 visits
Recurrent bronchitis
12-14 visits
Chronic obstructive bronchiti
18-21 visits
Pneumonia after acute stage
12-14 visits
Bronchiectatic disease
20-25 visits
Cystic fibrosis
20-25 visits
Respiratory infections, influenza
5-7 visits or 2x/week for prevention
Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusopathy
14-18 visits
Chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis
14-18 visits
14-18 visits
Chronic sinusitis
14-18 visits
Acute sinusitis
3-5 visits
Hay fever
12-14 visits
Multi-chemical sensitivity syndrome
12-14 visits
After contact with industrial and household pollutants
12-14 visits
Skin pathology (Eczema, Psoriasis, etc.)
8-25 visits
Routine Halotherapy sessions are also known to provide needed relaxation and alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
Additional benefits of Halotherapy:
- Improves skin rigidity thus slowing skin aging process
- Boost immune system
- Enhance emotional and over-all well being
- Enable better recovery time from physical activity
- Enhance athletic performance and endurance by expanding the airways for increased oxygen flow and capacity
- Detoxify body
Individuals with the following conditions or characteristics should not use Halotherapy:
- Acute stages of certain disease and fever
- Active Tuberculosis
- Open wounds and sores
- Uncontrolled severe hypertension
- Last stage COPD
- Wheezing
- Epilepsy
- While under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Mental disorders
- No smoking prior to visiting the day of